Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Operational Management School

Question: Write an essay on Evaluation of 3 important school of thoughts. Answer: 1. The Operational (Management Process) School: The followers of this school believe that the primary and main function of the management is to get the things properly done by involving people as individuals as well as organizing groups. This gives the school the name Operational school viewing the management as a universal body making application of management theories to different levels of the organization (Ofori-Dankwa 1307-1329, 2005). Coming to the contribution of the school; it aims at finding out and evaluating the fundamental functions of the managers along with the classification of them into some basic management principles ("Case Managers Roles And Functions" 2324, 2006). This management school aims at analyzing and evaluating the nature, structure, purpose and the hidden prospects of the process in relation to each management functions. Summing up; the contribution mainly lies with the evaluation and analyzing of the management process. The strength of this management school lies with its beneficial concept of framework being utilized for the identification of the essential management elements. On the contrary; there are criticisms revealing its weakness which states that organizational functions undertaken under dynamic conditions seeking universal management principles might not prove sound when put to function. 2.The Human Behavior School: The human behavior school of management was propagated by Elton Mayo, director of Hawthorne Studies. This management school looks up to human behavior as the prime focus of the management action instead of viewing the management as a stringent technical process under function (Bower 237-240). Adhering to the grounds of its scientific research and objectives of the employee motivation and behavioral improvement, the school established the thought that human relations over-simplified sound relationship between productivity and though (GrublienÄ— and UrbonaitÄ— 507-515). This school of managements contribution lies mainly on the promotion of human behavior, relationship, communication, formation and development of informal groups, motivation of the employees, and style of leadership. This theory also draws attention over a wide array of socio-psychological trait such as organizational behavioral dynamics, group dynamics, technical change in the organizational development and conflict within the organization (Fondas 47-58). Because of its contribution; it is also referred as human relations approach. Talking of the strength; it plays a vital role for motivation of employees, looks up at the organization as a social body, directs sound leadership, and ensures proper communication between employees leading to their development. On the contrary; the approach of this school of management leans on individual psychology to a great extent insisting that the smooth functioning of the organization depends to a vast extent on the happiness of its employees. Tho ugh the study of human interaction is important but it cannot alone cover the entire management arena which turns out creating a defect. 3. The Social System School: This school believes that the management theory relies upon the interaction of social groups to a high extent making it closely related to the Human behavior school. This includes researches which consider management as a complete social system with diverse culture. The most important contribution of this school lies with the study of different social aspects (BozkuÃ…Å ¸ 49). Its strength lies within its belief of considering the organization as a social system on whole comprising of people from diverse background working together in co-operation. Despite of its contribution and reliable strength; this approach is considered broader than management and when implemented to practice, tends to overlook the major management concepts contributing to its weak functioning (Kirp). Managerial Approaches to Motivation Evaluation of two managerial approaches to motivation Two fundamental theoretical knowledge bodies have evolved from the motivational school of study. These theories are known as content theories and process theories. Both these school of theories have a vast array of application for the program planners planning employee incentives. While both these motivational theories come with their respective similarities; there are also certain differences between them (Balk, 1996). Moving first to their similarities, both of them provide a framework for establishing better motivation and understanding among the workforce. On the other hand estimating their difference; while the school of content theories aims at focusing primarily on the individual needs of job satisfaction, their behavior and incentive system, the school of process theory makes an attempt in evaluating the ways of how to energize the behavior of the employees, sustain them and stop them from taking non-ethical steps. Moving ahead to the two approaches from each concept of motivational theories; first is a check at content theories. This theory establishes a base that the when an individual do not receive what can perceive their requirements, they make an attempt to take steps that shall help in satisfying their needs. This theory suggests that behaviors of the employees are triggered only when there are certain needs on their part (Professor, 1963). Also it states that adequate and meaningful reward best helps in satisfying the needs of the employees motivating them to work better. Process theories on the other hand state that employees work best when their behaviors are adequately energized and directed. This school adheres to the theories of Reinforcement and goal setting theories along with two other theories. The reinforcement theory states that motivation can be exerted on the employees by taking a consideration of their behavior. This theory is based on certain principles related to operant conditions such as positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, punishment and extinction. On the other hand goal setting theory of the Process school of motivation states that when a specific goal as kept in front of the employees; he or she is bets motivated to work better thus successfully achieving the goal as such aims at boosting up his employment position (Shahan Cunningham, 2015). Along with the application of these theories; job design options are also recognized as very effective in motivation of the employees for the organizational success. Job designs are thus defined as the role of this management to assign jobs to the employees in such a sway so as to satisfy both the organizational and technological needs along with the personal and social needs of the job holder. The main aim of the job design deal at with the improvement of job satisfaction among the employees by improving their input so as to derive the bets output with low rate of employee problems. Two primary techniques used in job designing for employee motivation are job rotation and job enrichment. Job rotation deals with changing the job cycle of the employee as this is considered best for enhancing eth employee motivation helping them to work better for the product quality enhancement. On the other hand, job enrichment refers to adding quality to the old job pattern to which the employee is a ssigned. This exerts the same motivational effect as job rotation granting the workers with greater work autonomy (Zhou Zhao, n.d.). Besides all these, social factors also help in motivating the performance of the employees. Better workplace environment and fixed payment period acts as major incentive in motivating the employees for better performance. Motivation and Management Styles Demonstrate knowledge of leadership theory in relation to management in organizations It is commonly said that management and leadership walk together hand in hand however a difference persists between the two to a greater extent. Though they are different, but they are complementary and linked together in some way. If any step is taken in separating the two; damage to the organization is likely to occur in some extent. Understanding the difference between the two; while the leader plays the role of an innovator; the manager works as an administrator (Havinal, 2009). Leadership is also considered original while the management role is a copy of leadership and maintains a consistency. On the contrary leadership develops for the betterment and renders focus on eth individual performance. Management on the other hand focuses on the success of the system and its structure relying mostly on control. The best difference between the two states that while the management does things accurately; sound leadership works in making the things happen in an organized manner. Accordingly when moving ahead to differentiate the leadership styles; you come across 6 different styles of leadership. Though they all work towards the improvement of the organizational function; all of them work in a different manner to achieve the same goal (Ford Harding, 2015). Discussing two of these leadership styles, here you have directive and authoritative style of leadership. The directive or coercive style aims at immediate compliance on part of the employees to work accordingly to the direction if the manager. Here the manager plays an important role in controlling the actions of the employees and motivates them by disciplinary actions as well as threats. On the other hand, the authoritative style aims at offering long term vision as well as direction to the employees by offering them stringent by fair management. The manager or leader here give the employees as proper direction to work best and motivate them by providing the, regular feedback about their work. The directive style is most effective when there arises a crisis in the work and the deviations are traced risky. On the contrary; authoritative style of leadership is considered effective when there arouse clear directions for leading the employees upon understanding their standards. However both of these leadership styles come with certain ineffectiveness as well. While directive style stand out ineffective when the employees assigned works are underdeveloped and comes with little knowledge about the field. Also situation of high skilled employees turn out to make this leadership style inappropriate as the employees being unsatisfied with their work feels easily frustrated (McKeachie, Lin, Moffett, Daugherty, 1978). On the contrary; authoritative leadership stands out ineffective when the leader is unable to offer the employees with adequate guidance directing them with their task. Delegation, Participation and Decision-Making Compare and contrast traditional and current perspectives of delegation, participation and Decision-making The current perspective of delegation is more-a-less similar to the traditional concept which defines delegation as the condition of giving someone the responsibility or power with certain position. It is stated as a universal process where a person is given the responsibility of keeping a check on the activity of another person so as to make sure the accomplishment of the organizational goal takes place in a proper manner. The primary need of delegation within the management program arises for a person when the job he is invested with goes beyond his knowledge and capacity making him unable to continue with its functioning alone. It is often seen that within business organizations where a large amount of work has to be accomplished; no single person is given the responsibility of the whole work. The work is divided within the team members according to their ability and in case the same person is unable to continue with it; another person is assigned to help him with his work thus su pervising his activities. Coming to the concept of decision making; decision making in this world of technological development is a serious issue which calls for the utmost care and implementation of all the requisite theories. Con the contrary; in case of traditional methods; the results which were provided were inaccurate and problematic. The traditional decision making concept were classified into two categories namely programmed and non-programmed decisions. Both of these techniques of decision making adhered to different techniques. While organizations adhering to programmed decisions used techniques followed their standard procedures and rules; some of decisions in other organizations were based completely on the organizational structure based on the relationship existing between the superior and the subordinate. People were assigned different roles with the managers holding the responsibility of taking decisions upon order from the authority. All these mangers remain in constant link with the informati on system for forwarding their information. On the other hand; decisions in case of non-programmed matters calls for separate interpretation and analysis and follows different strategies. For solving complex situations; a quantitative technique sis put to use as they assure high degree of assurance. The modern decision making technique on the other hand has been designed keeping the complexities of the present business world into concern. The constant changes taking place in the business world requires special attention which calls for implementation of special tools in decision making. Some tools which are presently put to use in the modern days for sound decision making are Heuristic techniques and participative decision making techniques. While in case of the former technique; the problem is divided into smaller pats from taking decisions from the realistic view, is case of participative decision making, democratic ideas are implemented for sound decision. In such a case; employees are also involved in matters of taking decisions regarding the welfare of the company encouraging their interest in working. Vertical and Horizontal Coordination Identification of principles for vertical and horizontal coordination within organizations In case of companies following the vertical structure of management; the CEO is at placed at the topmost position of making all decisions and then delegate the same authority to the managers in the lower level of the business organization. On the other hand; in case of companies adhering to horizontal coordination; there are no middle managers within the company which means that it is the manager sat the highest level who handle the major operations and interact with their customers and employees in the front-line personally usually. Most of the small and new business usually has a tendency of opting for a horizontal coordination within the company since they have only a limited number of staffs. Because of lower number of staff, the management programs with small businesses are more intimate and due to the lack of such workforce the management style tends to be informal at a greater extent. Contribution to management effectiveness in the past Talking of the benefits derived, those companies with a taller organizational structure better designate employees with tasks and also possess well responsible employees with them. This makes it easier for them in the sound management of the staffs. On the other hand; businesses structured with horizontal coordination possess the maximum potential of having best morale of employees because lack of red tape dealing preventing them from being problematic. On an addition; compared to the vertical coordination; running horizontal coordination costs considerably low (Kwofie, Fugar and Adinyira 180-193, 2015). However both of these come with certain disadvantages as well. In case of vertical companies; they are much dependent on a strong leader operating at the top most position which means that weaker management possess the maximum chances of organizational failure with poor delegation and decision making. Along with this; vertical companies lack the transparency present within the horizontal companies as each layer of the organization muddles the information at a greater extent. In case of vertical companies; business hinders back due to lack of employees which leads existing employees with much more work. While the employees tend to become less sure of their work position and role, this makes the project managers extremely frustrated because of their lack over authority. Current relevance to management effectiveness However experts believe that with the growing globalization; more and more companies tend to follow the horizontal coordination within the organization than the vertical one because the former shall help in better demand response. 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