Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay on Liberal Media Bias in the United States - 1356 Words

People rely on journalist to report factual news and to make political points in helping the American citizen in making their decision when it comes time to vote. Since American’s do not have time to research every side to all the stories that have been published, they count on the media to portray both sides. However, you cannot believe everything that the media reports. If you were to pay attention to the reports given by journalists, you will find that they report on the stories that they feel they want to get out. And when it comes to politics, they have a way of leaning more towards a democratic view. The American media has a way of portraying the news in a bias way, which has been studied, researched, and reported to†¦show more content†¦Many journalists are predominately liberal and are considered more liberal that the general public. They have a way of manipulating news to help Democrats and the liberal agenda. â€Å"Strong conservatives and Republicans are more likely to distrust the media news† (Lee Tien-Tsung). Although the media deny being bias, there are ways to prove that it does exist without the proof of studies and research. When journalist only report from one side of the story and use phrases from witnesses or experts from the one side that they are reporting on, media bias is presented. If the journalist fails to report on the conservative side of the story, or the conservative part is either barely mentioned or comes at the end of the story instead of mentioning it during the liberal view, this is another example. Another way to identify this type of reporting would be looking for the journalist to put a spin on the story. This happens when journalist make one side of the story more appealing than the other. (Baker) Since the general public is able to spot bias in the media, they no longer trust the news. Back in 2001, when four major networks starting running evening news broadcasting, the ratings had drop ped significantly (Alterman 7). Other means of bias stories in the media have been proven with the help of studies, research, and by taking polls and surveying the general public. Surveys can be insightful to see how the public views things. Many journalists take aShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Mainstream Media On Today s Audience1212 Words   |  5 PagesMainstream media plays a huge influence on today’s audience and influences choices made when it comes to important decision making such as voting for the next President. Most Americans don’t look up important topics and decide who or what to vote for. They get most of their information from mainstream news networks such as CNN, CBS, NBC, and Vice News. Most of these major news networks that I listed show some form of liberal bias. 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